Boolean Algebra - Expression, Rules, Theorems, and Examples (2024)

Boolean algebra is a type of algebra that is created by operating the binary system. In the year 1854, George Boole, an English mathematician, proposed this algebra. This is a variant of Aristotle’s propositional logic that uses the symbols 0 and 1, or True and False. Boolean algebra is concerned with binary variables and logic operations.

Boolean Algebra is fundamental in the development of digital electronics systems as they all use the concept of Boolean Algebra to execute commands. Apart from digital electronics this algebra also finds its application in Set Theory, Statistics, and other branches of mathematics.

In this article, we will learn about, basic Boolean operations, Boolean expressions, Truth Tables, Boolean laws, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • Boolean Algebra Operations
  • Table of Boolean Algbera
  • Boolean Expression and Variables
  • Boolean Algebra Terminologies
  • Truth Tablesin Boolean Algebra
  • Boolean Algebra Rules
  • Laws for Boolean Algebra
  • Boolean Algebra Theorems
  • Solved Examples on Boolean Algebra

Boolean Algebra Operations

There are various operations that are used in Boolean algebra but the basic operations that form the base of Boolean Algebra are.

  • Negation or NOT Operation
  • Conjunction or AND Operation
  • Disjunction or OR Operation

Boolean Algebra - Expression, Rules, Theorems, and Examples (1)

Boolean Algebra Expression

Check: Basics of Boolean Algebra in Digital Electronics

These operations have their own symbols and precedence and the table added below shows the symbol and the precedence of these operators.





‘ (or) ⇁



. (or) ∧



+ (or) ∨


We can easily define these operations using two boolean variables.

Let’s take two boolean variables A and B that can have any of the two values 0 or 1, i.e. they can be either OFF or ON. Then these operations are explained as,

Negation or NOT Operation

Using the NOT operation reverse the value of the Boolean variable from 0 to 1 or vice-versa. This can be understood as:

  • If A = 1, then using NOT operation we have (A)’ = 0
  • If A = 0, then using the NOT operation we have (A)’ = 1
  • We also represent the negation operation as ~A, i.e if A = 1, ~A = 0

Check: Properties of Boolean Algebra

Conjunction or AND Operation

Using the AND operation satisfies the condition if both the value of the individual variables are true and if any of the value is false then this operation gives the negative result. This can be understood as,

  • If A = True, B = True, then A . B = True
  • If A = True, B = False, Or A = false, B = True, then A . B = False
  • If A = False, B = False, then A . B = False

Check: Boolean Algebraic Theorems

Disjunction (OR) Operation

Using the OR operation satisfies the condition if any value of the individual variables is true, it only gives a negative result if both the values are false. This can be understood as,

  • If A = True, B = True, then A + B = True
  • If A = True, B = False, Or A = false, B = True, then A + B = True
  • If A = False, B = False, then A + B = False

Table of Boolean Algebra

Given Below is the Expression for the Boolean Algebra

AND Operation⋅ or ∧Returns true only if both inputs are true.
OR Operation+ or ∨Returns true if at least one input is true.
NOT Operation¬ or ∼Reverses the input.
XOR OperationReturns true if exactly one input is true.
NAND OperationReturns false only if both inputs are true.
NOR OperationReturns false if at least one input is true.
XNOR OperationReturns true if both inputs are equal.

Boolean Expression and Variables

Boolean expression is an expression that produces a Boolean value when evaluated, i.e. it produces either a true value or a false value. Whereas boolean variables are variables that store Boolean numbers.

P + Q = R is a Boolean phrase in which P, Q, and R are Boolean variables that can only store two values: 0 and 1. The 0 and 1 are the synonyms for false and True and are used in Boolean Algebra, sometimes we also use “Yes” in place of True and “No” in place of False.

Thus, we can say that statements using Boolean variables and operating on Boolean operations are Boolean Expressions. Some examples of Boolean expressions are,

  • A + B = True
  • A.B = True
  • (A)’ = False

Check: Axioms of Boolean Algebra

Boolean Algebra Terminologies

There are various terminologies related to Boolean Algebra, which are used to explain various parameters of Boolean Algebra. That includes,

  • Boolean Algebra
  • Boolean Variables
  • Boolean Function
  • Literal
  • Complement
  • Truth Table

Now, we will discuss the important terminologies of Boolean algebra in the article below,

Boolean Algebra

The branch of algebra that deals with binary operations or logical operations is called Boolean Algebra. It was introduced by George Boole in the mid 19th century. It is used to analyze and manipulate logical functions in binary variables. It is extensively used in various fields such a s digital logic design, computer science and telecommunications.

Boolean Variables

Variables used in Boolean algebra that store the logical value of 0 and 1 are called the boolean variables. They are used to store either true or false values. Boolean variables are fundamental in representing logical states or propositions in Boolean expressions and functions.

Boolean Function

A function of the Boolean Algebra that is formed by the use of Boolean variables and Boolean operators is called the Boolean function. It is formed by combining Boolean variables and logical expressions such as AND, OR, and NOT. It is used to model logical relationships, conditions, or operations.


A variable or the complement of the variable in Boolean Algebra is called the Literal. Literals are the basic building blocks of the boolean expressions and functions. They represent the operands in logical operations.


The inverse of the Boolean variable is called the complement of the variable. The complement of 0 is 1 and the complement of 1 is 0. It is represented by ‘ or (¬) over the variable. Complements are used to represent logical negations in Boolean expressions and functions.

Truth Table

Table containing all the possible values of the logical variables and the combination of the variable along with the given operation is called the truth table. The number of rows in the truth table depends on the total Boolean variables used in that function. It is given by using the formula,

Number of Rows in Truth Table = 2n

where “n” is the number of Boolean variables used.


  • Set Theory
  • Statistics

Truth Tablesin Boolean Algebra

A truth table represents all the combinations of input values and outputs in a tabular manner. All the possibilities of the input and output are shown in it and hence the name truth table. In logic problems, truth tables are commonly used to represent various cases. T or 1 denotes ‘True’ & F or 0 denotes ‘False’ in the truth table.

Example: Draw the truth table of the conditions A + B and A.B where A and b are boolean variables.


The required Truth Table is,


X = A + B

Y = A.B









Boolean Algebra Rules

In Boolean Algebra there are different fundamental rules for logical expression.

  • Binary Representation: In Boolean Algebra the variables can have only two values either 0 or 1 where 0 represents Low and 1 represents high. These variables represents logical states of the system.
  • Complement Representation: The complement of the variables is represented by (¬) or (‘) over the variable. This indicates logical negation or inversion of the variable’s value. So Complement of variable A can be represented by [Tex]\overline{A}[/Tex],if the value of A=0 then its complement is 1.
  • OR Operation: The OR operation is represented by (+) between the Variables. OR operation returns true if at least one of the operands is true. For Examples let us take three variables A,B,C the OR operation can be represented as A+B+C.
  • AND Operation: The AND Operation is denoted by (.) between the Variables. AND operation returns true only if all the operands are true. For Examples let us take three variables A,B,C the AND operation can be represented A.B.C or ABC.

Laws for Boolean Algebra

The basic laws of the Boolean Algebra are added in the table added below,

LawOR formAND form
Identity LawP + 0 = PP.1 = P
Idempotent LawP + P = PP.P = P
Commutative LawP + Q = Q + PP.Q = Q.P
Associative LawP + (Q + R) = (P + Q) + RP.(Q.R) = (P.Q).R
Distributive LawP + QR = (P + Q).(P + R)P.(Q + R) = P.Q + P.R
Inversion Law(A’)’ = A(A’)’ = A
De Morgan’s Law(P + Q)’ = (P)’.(Q)’(P.Q)’ = (P)’ + (Q)’

Let’s learn about these laws in detail.

Identity Law

In the Boolean Algebra, we have identity elements for both AND(.) and OR(+) operations. The identity law state that in boolean algebra we have such variables that on operating with AND and OR operation we get the same result, i.e.

  • A + 0 = A
  • A.1 = A

Commutative Law

Binary variables in Boolean Algebra follow the commutative law. This law states that operating boolean variables A and B is similar to operating boolean variables B and A. That is,

  • A. B = B. A
  • A + B = B + A

Associative Law

Associative law state that the order of performing Boolean operator is illogical as their result is always the same. This can be understood as,

  • ( A . B ) . C = A . ( B . C )
  • ( A + B ) + C = A + ( B + C)

Distributive Law

Boolean Variables also follow the distributive law and the expression for Distributive law is given as:

  • A . ( B + C) = (A . B) + (A . C)

Inversion Law

Inversion law is the unique law of Boolean algebra this law states that, the complement of the complement of any number is the number itself.

  • (A’)’ = A

Apart from these other laws are mentioned below:


AND law of the Boolean algebra uses AND operator and the AND law is,

  • A . 0 = 0
  • A . 1 = A
  • A . A = A

OR Law

OR law of the Boolean algebra uses OR operator and the OR law is,

  • A + 0 = A
  • A + 1 = 1
  • A + A = A

De Morgan’s Laws are also called De morgan’s Theorem. They are the most important laws in Boolean Algebra and these are added below under the heading Boolean Algebra Theorem

Boolean Algebra Theorems

There are two basic theorems of great importance in Boolean Algebra, which are De Morgan’s First Laws, and De Morgan’s Second Laws. These are also called De Morgan’s Theorems. Now let’s learn about both in detail.

De Morgan’s First laws

De Morgan’s Law states that the complement of the product (AND) of two Boolean variables (or expressions) is equal to the sum (OR) of the complement of each Boolean variable (or expression).

(P.Q)’ = (P)’ + (Q)’

The truth table for the same is given below:

PQ(P)’(Q)’(P.Q)’(P)’ + (Q)’

We can clearly see that truth values for (P.Q)’ are equal to truth values for (P)’ + (Q)’, corresponding to the same input. Thus, De Morgan’s First Law is true.

De Morgan’s Second laws

Statement: The Complement of the sum (OR) of two Boolean variables (or expressions) is equal to the product(AND) of the complement of each Boolean variable (or expression).

(P + Q)’ = (P)’.(Q)’


The truth table for the same is given below:

PQ(P)’(Q)’(P + Q)’(P)’.(Q)’

We can clearly see that truth values for (P + Q)’ are equal to truth values for (P)’.(Q)’, corresponding to the same input. Thus, De Morgan’s Second Law is true.

Read More,

  • Properties of Boolean Algebra
  • Principle of Mathematical Induction
  • Logic Gates

Solved Examples on Boolean Algebra

Draw Truth Table for P + P.Q = P


The truth table for P + P.Q = P


In the truth table, we can see that the truth values for P + P.Q is exactly the same as P.

Draw Truth Table for P.Q + P + Q


The truth table for P.Q + P + Q

PQP.QP.Q + P + Q

Solve [Tex]\textbf{\(\overline{A} + B \cdot C\)}[/Tex]


Using De Morgan’s Law


Using Distributive Law


So, the simplified expression for the given equation [Tex]\overline{A}.(B+C)=\overline{A}.B+\overline{A}.C[/Tex]


Boolean Algebra serves as a foundational framework for representing and manipulating logical expressions using binary variables and logical operators. It plays a crucial role in various fields such as digital logic design, computer programming, and circuit analysis. By providing a systematic way to describe and analyze logical relationships, Boolean Algebra enables the development of complex systems and algorithms. Its principles and operations, including AND, OR, NOT, XOR, NAND, NOR, and XNOR, form the building blocks for designing logic circuits, writing efficient code, and solving logical problems.

Boolean Algebra- FAQs

What is Boolean Algebra?

Boolean Algebra also called Logical Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with Boolean Variables such as, 0 and 1.

What are Main Boolean Operators?

There are three main Boolean Operators that are,

  • AND (Conjunction)
  • OR (Disjunction)
  • NOT (Negation)

How to minimize Boolean Function?

There are several methods for minimizing Boolean functions, including:

  • Algebraic Simplification:
  • Karnaugh Maps (K-Maps):
  • Quine-McCluskey Algorithm:
  • Tabulation Method:
  • Don’t-Care Conditions:

What are Applications of Boolean Algebra?

Boolean Algebra has various applications. It is used to simplify logical circuits that are the backbone of modern technology.

What does “0” Represent in Boolean Algebra?

The “0” in Boolean Algebra represent a False condition or it represent the Switch Off condition.

What does “1” Represent in Boolean Algebra?

The “1” in Boolean Algebra represent a True condition or it represent the Switch On condition.

What are Boolean Algebra laws?

Boolean Algebra laws are rules for manipulating logical expressions with binary variables, ensuring consistency and simplification in operations like addition, multiplication, and complementation, crucial in fields like digital electronics and computer science.

What are the 5 laws of Boolean algebra?

Boolean algebra is governed by five primary laws, which serve as the foundation for manipulating logical expressions:

1. Identity Law for AND

2. Identity Law for OR

3. Complement Law for AND

4. Complement Law for OR

5. Idempotent Law

What are the 3 laws in Boolean logic?

The three fundamental laws in Boolean logic are

  • The Identity Law (adding zero or multiplying by one keeps the variable unchanged)
  • The Domination Law (adding a variable to its complement results in 1 and multiplying it by its complement results in 0)
  • The Commutative Law (the order of variables can be switched in addition or multiplication without changing the result).

What is De Morgan’s theorem?

De Morgan’s theorem states that the complement of a logical AND operation is equivalent to the OR operation of the complements of the individual terms, and vice versa. It’s a fundamental principle in Boolean Algebra used for simplifying logical expressions and optimizing logical circuits.




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Boolean Algebra - Expression, Rules, Theorems, and Examples (2024)


Boolean Algebra - Expression, Rules, Theorems, and Examples? ›

The two important theorems which are extremely used in Boolean algebra are De Morgan's First law and De Morgan's second law. These two theorems are used to change the Boolean expression. This theorem basically helps to reduce the given Boolean expression in the simplified form.

What are the 12 rules of Boolean algebra? ›

Laws and Theorems of Boolean Algebra
1a.X • 0 = 0Annulment Law
2a.X • 1 = XIdentity Law
3a.X • X = XIdempotent Law
4a.X • X = 0Complement Law
5.X = XDouble Negation Law
14 more rows

What are the theorems for Boolean expressions? ›

The two important theorems which are extremely used in Boolean algebra are De Morgan's First law and De Morgan's second law. These two theorems are used to change the Boolean expression. This theorem basically helps to reduce the given Boolean expression in the simplified form.

What are the 10 rules in Boolean algebra? ›

Ten Basic Rules of Boolean Algebra
  • Anything ANDed with a 0 is equal to 0. ...
  • Anything ANDed with a 1 is equal to itself. ...
  • Anything ORed with a 0 is equal to itself. ...
  • Anything ORed with a 1 is equal to 1. ...
  • Anything ANDed with itself is equal to itself. ...
  • Anything ORed with itself is equal to itself.

What are the 6 laws of Boolean algebra? ›

The various boolean algebra laws are as follows; Commutative law, Associative law, Distributive law, AND law, OR law, Inversion law, Absorption Law and Idempotent Law.

What are the 16 Boolean functions? ›

Table 1. Complete list of Boolean functions for a single input system
Name of the Boolean FunctionBoolean FunctionMeaning
NOT\(\bar{A}\)Pass negated value of A
\(\bar{B}\)Pass negated value of B
AND\(A \bullet B\)1 only if A and B both are 1
NAND\(\overline {A \bullet B}\)0 only if A and B both are 1
12 more rows
Mar 1, 2020

What level of math is Boolean algebra? ›

In mathematics and mathematical logic, Boolean algebra is a branch of algebra. It differs from elementary algebra in two ways. First, the values of the variables are the truth values true and false, usually denoted 1 and 0, whereas in elementary algebra the values of the variables are numbers.

What are the basic rules and properties of Boolean algebra? ›

The basic rules of Boolean algebra include the three properties (associative, commutative, and distributive) and three common laws. These laws are the complement laws, identity laws, and double negation law.

What are the postulates and theorems of Boolean algebra? ›

Postulates in Boolean algebra are not laws and theorems but statements that hold true. The four potential logical OR and logical AND operations, as well as the rules followed by the NOT operator, are included in these postulates. The postulates in Boolean algebra is given below: 0 + 0 = 0.

What is De Morgan's theorem laws and theorems of Boolean algebra? ›

DeMorgan's Theory

DeMorgan's first theorem states that two (or more) variables NOR´ed together is the same as the two variables inverted (Complement) and AND´ed, while the second theorem states that two (or more) variables NAND´ed together is the same as the two terms inverted (Complement) and OR´ed.

What is the basic principle of Boolean algebra? ›

Boolean algebra uses logical symbols like 0 and 1 to represent digital circuit inputs and outputs, and laws and rules to reduce complex expressions to equivalent simpler forms using fewer logic gates. Some key laws and rules include the commutative, associative, distributive, absorption, and De Morgan's laws.

What are the expressions of Boolean algebra? ›

Boolean algebra expressions are statements that make use of logical operators such as AND, OR, NOT, XOR, etc. These logical statements can only have two outputs, either true or false. In digital circuits and logic gates "1" and "0" are used to denote the input and output conditions.

What are the 5 characteristics of Boolean algebra? ›

Properties of Boolean Algebra
  • Annulment law. a variable ANDed with 0 gives 0, while a variable ORed with 1 gives 1, i.e., ...
  • Identity law. In this law variable remains unchanged it is ORed with '0' or ANDed with '1', i.e., ...
  • Idempotent law. ...
  • Complement law. ...
  • Commutative law. ...
  • Associative law. ...
  • Distributive law.
May 9, 2024

Is Boolean algebra hard? ›

The basics of Boolean Algebra is generally quite easy to pick up. Then the learning curve gets a bit steep. A large part of this is that it's quite abstract. You're best bet is to work out what strategies and approaches will best help you better visualise and understand what is going on.

What is the rule 11 in Boolean algebra? ›

Rule 11. A + AB = A + B This rule can be proved as follows: A + AB = (A + AB) + AB Rule 10: A = A + AB = (AA + AB) + AB Rule 7: A = AA =AA +AB +AA +AB Rule 8: adding AA = 0 = (A + A)(A + B) Factoring = 1.

What are the rules for simplifying Boolean expressions? ›

Basic Boolean Identities

The Idempotent Law: A + A = A and A • A = A. This law states that a value combined with itself equals the same value. The Identity Law: A + 0 = A and A • 1 = A. This law establishes that a value combined with the identity (0 for addition, 1 for multiplication) is equal to the original value.

What is Boolean algebra class 12? ›

Boolean algebra is an algebra of logic developed by George Boole between 1815-1864 to represent logical statements as an algebra of true and false. It is used to perform logical operations in digital computers by representing true as 1 and false as 0. The fundamental logical operators are AND, OR, and NOT.

What are the principles of Boolean algebra? ›

What are Boolean Algebra Laws?
Boolean lawsDescription
Idempotent lawA . A = A A + A = A
Complement lawA . AC = 0 A + AC = 1
Commutative LawA . B = B . A A + B = B + A
Associative lawA . (B . C) = (A . B) . C A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C
6 more rows
Sep 17, 2020

Is D12 a Boolean algebra? ›

It turns out that D42 with these two operations u and t forms a Boolean Algebra, while D12 does not.


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